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Teeth Whitening Treatment


Brighten your teeth with whitening

We use our teeth every day without fail, so a few stains here and there are to be expected.  Brown or yellow stains can form on even the healthiest teeth after consuming certain foods and drinks, smoking tobacco, or even as you age. At Quay Dental, we offer non-invasive, at-home whitening treatments to remove surface stains and make your teeth sparkle brightly again in a matter of weeks. 


Take-home whitening kits contain tailor-made dental trays and bleaching gels that you will wear during the day or whilst you sleep, over one to two weeks, depending on your chosen treatment. 

Boutique Whitening

Boutique Whitening is a safe, simple and effective treatment that fits your lifestyle. As a fully home-whitening option, you will apply the Boutique Whitening gel to custom-made trays and wear them during the day or overnight, depending on the treatment option you choose.


At Quay Dental, we offer Boutique by Night which contains 16% carbamide peroxide gel you wear for four hours or overnight, designed for patients who prefer to whiten their teeth whilst they sleep. The treatment can lighten your teeth several shades in just a matter of weeks. 

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We're ready to welcome you!

We are now accepting new adult and child patients and would love to welcome you to Quay Dental in the Isle of Man. Please visit our contact page to register as a new patient or book or change an appointment.

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